National Yacht Club


NYC Walking Group Sandymount / Town Walk – Sunday 5th January 2020


Sunday, 5th January 2020.

Meet OSG (Sedgwick) Carpark @ 1.45pm.

Merrion Hall, Strand Road, Sandymount.

(A couple of hundred yards on the LHS after Merrion Gates)

Please note – we leave punctually at 2pm.

(Park immediately behind the building)


This is our popular flat Town walk via Ringsend, of approximately 3 hour’s duration, including a stop for tea in the National Gallery at the half way mark. (We will be back to cars shortly after 5pm)

It is open to all National Members and friends and we look forward to welcoming new people to our group. (No dogs please.)

As it is always well supported – no need to advise if you intend walking, just turn up on the day.

Best wishes and a Happy Christmas to all.


Any Queries to: Desmond Campbell. Mob: 087 256 5587.
