National Yacht Club


Logistical arrangements for the Laser Leinsters

Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmail  LOGO-DESIGN  Proudly supported by DLHarbour-300x142       Welcome to all Laser Sailors! Below will you find essential information regarding your visit to the NYC in Dun Laoghaire for the Irish Laser Leinster Championships 2016.ome to all Laser sailors! 1. Arrivals / unpacking area / boat parking area  Please go the Carlisle Pier adjacent to the N.Y.C / R.N.L.I buildings to unpack your trailer(s) and boat(s).The designated unpacking/packing and boat parking area is beyond the fencing midway across the pier (see location map area 1 in red below) and will be attended from Friday 15th at 1630. This is where all visiting boats will be kept for the duration of the event! PLEASE NOTE THAT CARS HAVE TO LEAVE THIS AREA AS SOON AS UNPACKED AND NO CAR MAY BE LEFT PARKED THERE OR IT WILL BE CLAMPED! The boats will be launched from the NYC slipway accessed through the R.N.L.I. gate straight after the competitors’ briefing scheduled at 10:30 on Saturday 16th and from 10:00 on Sunday Please bring back your boat to the parking area 1 straight after racing each day. There are water hoses there and we invite competitors NOT to rinse their boat at the top of the slipway to avoid congestion. Please note that the RNLI gate will be locked (no pedestrian access) outside launching and retrieving boats. The access to the RNLI parking MUST BE unobstructed at all times (no temporary parking or set down to unpack at the RNLI gates) in case the lifeboat’s crew is called (even for a training exercise). Trailers will be left behind combination locked gates in the area 2 in blue. 2. Car Parking Cars have to be parked in the Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company designated parking areas (€5 for all day parking on the Carlisle Pier) and cannot stay in the packing area (1) under any circumstances. 3. Camper Vans parking Please note that the Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company does not admit camper vans on the Carlisle Pier anymore (for events and all year round for tourists). Camper Vans are invited to park on the designated Coal Harbour parking area (area 6 in pink, see attached map) beside the public slipway (area 5 in orange). There is a public toilet booth and drink water on tap but no electrical connection. Costs are same as car parking (€4.00 per day) for this area. 4. Supporting coaches RIBs launching / berthing Please note that all supporting RIBs should be launched and retrieved from the Coal Harbour public slipways (area 5 in orange). RIBs should be registered in the Race Office. RIBs can be berthed foc on the NYC pontoons. Please follow the boathouse staff instructions. There may be a briefing for coaches / parents RIBs on Saturday 16th at 10h45. Petrol can be purchased from the Dun Laoghaire Marina fuelling berth (area 4) by prior appointment (tel: (01) 202 0040 or VHF Ch. 37 or Ch 37a or Ch M1) 5. Boat parking, tagging, launching trolleys Please make sure that you launching trolley is in good running order with inflated wheels. Parking is unallocated. Each competitor will get 2 tags and cable ties from the race office, one to be attached onto the trolley, one around the base of the mast or on the bow deck fitting. 6. Packing / departure The reverse arrangement will be in place: all competitors are invited to pack their boats from the Carlisle Pier on Sunday 17th . All trailers left in the secured storage areas (areas 2 in blue) can be brought back to the packing area (area 1). The R.N.L.I gate will be opened again after racing to facilitate access. Cars and trailers will not be admitted onto the NYC platform. 7. Social Arrangements Saturday: Soup and roll coming off the water. NYC Sailing BBQ from 1600 (Selection of burgers/spit roast and chicken €10 – available for purchase)Bar food available in clubhouse. Sunday: Soup and roll coming off the water

Prizegiving at 16:00

8. Race Office opening hours The Race Office is located downstairs in the National Yacht Club Clubhouse.Registration for the pre-registered boats only is on Friday 15th July between 19.00 and 20.00. For late entries, the Race Office will be opened from 08.30 to 17.30 on Saturday 16th and from 09.00 to 16.00 on Sunday 17th., July 2016. We hope that you find this information useful in planning your visit and look forward to welcoming you in the National Yacht Club. If you have any query, please contact:

Olivier Prouveur Sailing Manager, NYC Tel: +353 1 280 57 25
