National Yacht Club


CAI Spring Rally In NYC

FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmailThe first meeting of the CAI this year will be at the National Yacht Club in Dun Laoighaire. We hope to follow on the success of the “Liffey Cruise” of last September where we had approximately 40 boats in the Liffey for Dinner & drinks. The plan is to sail in to the National Yacht Club from 3PM, where :Free berths will be provided for up to 30 yachts on a first come, first served basis.  (Overflow in adjacent marina or other clubs)Dinner will be served @ 8:00PM at a reduced cost of only €20 per person, Drinks in the bar, wine available @ €18 per bottle.Stay on board, meet old and new friends and take the time to discuss your cruising plans for 2011 over a few drinks. The is rally open to all cruising sailors, with a special invitation for all NYC cruisers to join the NYC table. There will be a brief presentation of our Strangford Lough cruise in late July.

If you are interested in attending the rally:It is essential that you book directly with the National Yacht Club on 01- 2805725 or by email to to ensure places at the meal for you and your crew.Please also email your name & details to  so that we know how many yachts/crew to expect. The Cruising Association AGM will be held in the JB Room from 19:00 – 19:30 for CAI members interested in attending.CAI poster for Spring Rally in NYC